Personal Assistance In The Topics That Matter The Most For You

                 Hosted by Carlito Fluito                

Small Groups To Find Solutions To Your Problems, And Share Your Personal Struggles

 … And Deepen The Relationship With Other Artist!

Tell Us Your Availability

Affordable To EVERYONE In The Planet

In Raining Rosas, we believe that everyone on the planet, no matter their finances, should have access to a SUPPORT GROUP. That’s why we have set different prices depending on you income level. (You can discover more about Income Levels Here)


30 € / Month

Income Level: 4

(Europe, North America, Australia…)

15 € / Month

Income Level: 3

(Latino America, Middle East, Asia…)

 5 € / Month

Income Level: 1 & 2

(Africa, Asia…)

The Group Support You, You Support The Group

Performing artists are trained to dance and perform.

But they lack safe spaces to share their inner struggles and find solutions to their personal challenges. 

SUPPORT GROUPS offers a space of trust and security to meet other dancers with the same problems and together develop the skills and resources to cope successfully and peacefully. These groups:

    • Give Help and Orientation with the most relevant topics for you (Self-Confidence, Body Acceptance, Work Stability, Impostor Syndrome…)
    • Happens 4 times per month (once per week), so you can strengthen the relationship with your fellow international members.
    • In 1-hour sessions to have time to explore each topic deeply and in detail to increase your wellbeing. 

Since 2014, Carlito Fluito is a certified psychologist, specialized in Positive Psychology and Spirituality. More than 15 years in the world of dance and theater has prepared him to empathize deeply and effectively with performers struggling with their quality of life.

This SUPPORT GROUPS offer the safe space needed for dancers and performers to connect deeper with fellow artists, share their vulnerabilities, and find the help they need to develop a healthier life and career.

In These Support Groups, You’ll Receive Specialized Help To Cope With The Situations That Are More Challenging For You At The Moment

Any Question?

Not Sure Of Your Income Level?

Write Us!


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